It has always been a dream of mine to write a book! Growing up, English was one of my favourite subjects at school and I was always writing one story or another so it’s so exciting to say that I have released my debut novel, available to buy now!
‘The Last Table In The Sun’ is a mystery, comedy, drama like ‘Desperate Housewives’ and ‘Pretty Little Liars’, mixed with some ‘Sex and The City’ girly glamour and an Agatha Christie whodunnit thrown in for good measure.
We all dream of packing up and moving to the City, well that’s exactly what Bay does when her cosy Cornish life comes crashing down. And what do you do when life takes an unexpected turn? Take a different road, the M3 to be precise, all the way to London!
Accepting an invite to stay with her childhood friend Olivia, an over dramatic, party loving, prosecco drinking, London socialite, Bay’s once peaceful existence literally changes within an hour of arriving and she’s soon rubbing shoulders with the City’s elite. With the help of Olivia’s friends, Mia, a drop dead gorgeous, washed up reality star trying to make a comeback as an aspiring actress and Molly, one of Chelsea’s ‘old money’ descendants, Bay is soon living the highlife of champagne at lunchtime, chauffeur driven cars, free glitzy clothes and party after party after party.
A little party never killed nobody! Right? Wrong! When one of the parties takes a fatal fall from grace, literally, the girls end up in the middle of it and think they could have a murder suspect on their hands. But the deeper you dig, in a world where fame and money equal power, the harder it is to get out and the easier it is to be buried. Moet has a completely different taste when mixed with murder!
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