Tag Archives: london

My debut Novel is out now! – The Last Table In The Sun

It has always been a dream of mine to write a book! Growing up, English was one of my favourite subjects at school and I was always writing one story or another so it’s so exciting to say that I have released my debut novel,… read on…

My First Property Development

Thanks for all the love on my recent property renovation project, I thought I would share my very first development project in West London back in 2016. This was the 2nd property we bought but the first one we decided to do work on. It… read on…

The Long Road to Edingburgh Fringe

One of the best parts about being a presenter on a community Radio station is that I am able to learn about, interact and discover local people, projects and events. One of my latest discoveries is St Michael’s Players, a theatre group based in Chiswick,… read on…

Open Garden Squares 2018

I cannot believe it was a year ago that we got our dog Bali, before she was even allowed out to socialise with other doggies we took her to the Open Garden Squares 2017 weekend and kept her on a blanket in the shade all… read on…

Waitrose Cookery School

2018, the year where #veganuary has taken over the Christmas pud and we’re all on a bit of a health kick. So what a perfect way to start the year than try our cooking lesson at the Waitrose Cookery School on Finchley Road. We booked… read on…


I’ve been in London for over 5 years now and it never ceases to amaze me the amount of great bars, restaurants and entertainment venues that I’ve never ventured to! Exhibit A: Circus in Covent Garden. Although I have previously been into this venue sober… read on…

Album Review – Years and Years ‘Communion’

The uber successful three piece dubbed ‘British electronica’ band Years and Years have released their chart topping album ‘Communion’ which has already scooped the number 1 spot following in the footsteps of hit single ‘King’ and ‘Shine’ which placed 2nd on the UK chart, both… read on…

Open Garden Squares Weekend 2015

If you haven’t checked out my blog from last year’s event, have a look! https://www.lexiecarducci.co.uk/open-garden-squares-london-14th-and-15th-june/  Well we enjoyed it so much last year that we went back this year and luckily some new gardens had been added so we got a whole different selection to view… read on…

Polo Perfect for men – Chestertons Polo in the Park 2015

It’s looking like a scorcher next weekend, perfect weather if you are heading to Chestertons Polo in the Park at Hurlingham Park, Fulham, London. If not then you can grab your tickets at http://www.polointheparklondon.com/ I believe Saturday is sold out but there’s always Friday and… read on…

Oxford VS Cambridge – The best places to watch the boat race from on Saturday

It’s that weekend again, the 161st Oxford vs Cambridge Boat Race. Although for the first year ever since I’ve been in London (which is about 6 years now)  it’s actually being held on a Saturday, yes a Saturday!!!! Which basically means an all day party!… read on…